- Ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà
- Èñòîðèÿ êàãàíàòà
- Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîå óñòðîéñòâî
- Õàçàðñêàÿ àðìèÿ
- Ýêîíîìèêà
- Ðåëèãèÿ
- Õðîíîëîãèÿ ~500
- Õðîíîëîãèÿ 501—600
- Õðîíîëîãèÿ 601—700
- Õðîíîëîãèÿ 701—800
- Õðîíîëîãèÿ 801—900
- Õðîíîëîãèÿ 901—1000
- Õðîíîëîãèÿ 1001—2025
- Ñëîâàðü òåðìèíîâ
- Áèáëèîãðàôèÿ
- Äîêóìåíòû
- Ïóáëèêàöèè
- Ññûëêè
- Ñòàòüè
- Êîíòàêòû
• ïàòðîí òîêàðíûé 1000 . Ïàòðîí Ø1000 -  íàëè÷èè îò ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ. Ïàòðîí â ñáîðå Ø1000ìì (ñòàíêè ìîä.
Áèáëèîãðàôèÿ è ñîêðàùåíèÿ
a. — anno.
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Abu-Ḥāmid al-Andalusi — Tuḥfat al-Albāb, ed. Ferrand, Journal Asiatique, tome 207 (1925).
Ad fin. — ad finem — â êîíöå.
A.H. — anno hegirae — ãîä ïî õèæäðå.
Ad init. — ad initum — â íà÷àëå.
A.K.M. — Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
A.M. — Anno Mundi — ãîä îò Ñîòâîðåíèÿ ìèðà.
Arne — La Suède et l'Orient, Archives d'Étude Orientales, Upsala, 1914. Art. — article — ñòàòüÿ.
Assemani — Bibliotheca Orientalis, Rome, 1719—1728. Balādhuri — Futūh al-Buldān, ed. De Goeje, Leiden, 1866.
Bal'ami — Chronicle, ed. Dorn, nachrichten über die Ghazaren, Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1844.
Bar Hebraeus — Syriac Chronicle, ed., tr. Sir E.A. Wallis Budge, Chronography, Oxford, 1932.
Barthold, Découverte de l'Asie. Ôðàíöóçñêèé ïåðåâîä B. Nikitine (Paris, 1947) â «Èñòîðèè èçó÷åíèÿ Âîñòîêà Áàðòîëüäà», 1925.
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Baumstark — Geschichte der syrischen Literatur, Bonn, 1922.
B. — band — ïîëîñà.
B.G.A., Bibl. Geog. Arab. — Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, ed.
De Goeje.
Bibl. Ind. — Bibliotheca Indica.
B.R.A. — Bulletin of the Russian Academy.
Bretschneider, Researches — Mediaeval Researches from East Asiatic Sources, 1910.
Brochelmann — Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, Weimar, 1898—1902, Leiden, 1937, etc.
Browne — Literary History of Persia, London, Cambridge, 1902—1930.
B.S.O.A.S. — Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
Bury, L.R.E. — J.B. Bury, A History of the Later Roman Empire from Arcadius to Irene, London, 1889.
Bury, E.R.E. — J.B. Bury, A History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the Fall of Irene to the Accession of Basil I, London, 1912.
Bury, Gibbon — Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, edited by J.B. Bury.
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Buxtorf — Cosri (Kuzari), ed. Buxtorf, Basle, 1660.
c. — chapter, circa — ãëàâà èëè ïðèáëèçèòåëüíî.
Carmoly — Des Khozars, â: Itinéraires de la Terre Sainte, Brussels, 1847.
Carra de Vaux — Le livre de l'avertissement et de la revision, Paris, 1896.
Chabot — Chronique de Michel le Grand, ed., tr. J.B. Chabot, Paris, 1899, etc.
Chadwick, Beginnings — Mrs. N.K. Chadwich, Beginnings of Russian History, Cambridge, 1946.
Chavannes, Documents — E. Chavannes, Documents sur les T'ou-Kiue occidentaux, St. Petersburg, 1903.
Chronicle — Russian Chronicle, tr. Leger, Publications de l'École des Langues Orientales, II série, XIII (1884).
col. — column.
Constantine Por. — Constantine Porphirogenitus — Êîíñòàíòèí Ïîðôèðîãåíåò.
Darband Nāmah — «Äåðáåíò-íàìå» — èçäàíèå Êàçåì-Áåãà â Memoirs of the Russian Academy, Divers Savants, 1851.
Découverte — ñì. Barthold.
Dorn; Dorn, Bal'ami — Nachrichten über die Chazaren, Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1844.
Dubnov, Geschichte — Weltgeschichte des jüdischen Volkes, Berlin, n.d. ed. — edited by, edition of — ïîä ðåäàêöèåé.
ed. Bonn — Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, Bonn. edd. — ðåäàêòîðû.
E.I. — Encyclopaedia of Islam. Enc. Jud. — Encyclopaedia Judaica.
Eranshahr — ñì. Marquart, Eranshahr.
E.R.E. — ñì. Bury, E.R.E.
Ferrand — ñì. abu Ḥāmid al-Andalusi. flor. — florvint.
fol. — folio.
Fragmente — Westberg, Die Fragmentie des Toparca Goticus, Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1902.
Frähn, Khazars — Veteres Memoriae Chasarorum, Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1822.
G.A.L. — ñì. Brockelmann.
Gardīsi — ed. Barthold â: Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1897. Gibb, Arab Conquests — H.A.R. Gibb, The Arab Conquests in Central Asia, Royal Asiatic Society, 1923.
G.M.S. — Gibb Memorial Series.
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Grätz — Geschichte der Juden, ed. 3.
Harkavy, Denkmäler — Altjüdische Denkmäler aus der Krim, Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1876.
Historische Glossen — ñì. Markuart, Historische Glossen.
Ḥudūd — ñì. Minorsky, Ḥudūd.
ib., ibid. — ibidem — òàì æå.
Ibn-A'tham al-Kūfi — Kitāb al-Futūḥ, Seray mṣ 2956, öèòèðóåòñÿ â Zeki Validi, Ibn-Faḍlān.
Ibn al-Athīr — ed. Cairo, A.H. 1303.
Ibn-Faḍlān — ibn-Faḍlān's Riḥlah, ed. Zeki Validi. Ibn al-Faqīh — ed. De Goeje, Bibl. Geogr. Arab., V.
Ibn-Ḥajar, Isābah-al-Iṣābah fi Tamyīz al-Sahābah, Bibl. Ind., 1856—1873.
Ibn-Ḥawqal — 1 ed. De Goeje, Bibl. Geog. Arab., II, 2 ed. Kramers, 1939.
Ibn-Isfandiyār — History of Ṭabaristān, tr. E.G. Browne, Gibb Memorial Series.
Ibn-Khaldūn — ed. Būlāq, A.H. 1284.
Ibn-Khurdādhbīh — ed. De Goeje, Bibl. Geog. Arab., VI.
Ibn-Qutaybah, Ma'ārif-Kitāb al-Ma'ārif, ed. Wüstenfeld, Göttingen, 1850.
Ibn-Rustah — ed. De Goeje, Bibl. Geog. Arab., VII.
Ibn-Sa'd — Tabaqāt, ed. E, Sachau, Leiden, 1904—1917. id. — idem — îí æå.
Istakhri — ed. De Goeje, Bibl. Geog. Arab., I.
J.A. — Journal Asiatique.
J.A.O.S. — Journal of the American Oriental Society.
J.E. — Jewish Encyclopedia.
J.Q.R. — Jewish Quarterly Review.
J.R.A.S. — Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
Juwayni — Ta'rīkh-i Jihān-gushāy, ed. Mirza Muḥammad, Gibb Memorial Series.
K — ñîïîñòàâëåíèå Kahle ñ ìàíóñêðèïòîì Èñòàõðè èç ×åñòåð-Áèòòè. Kasem-Beg — Darband-Nāmah (ed.), Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1851.
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Kutschers — Die Chasaren, ed. 2, Vienna 1910.
l. — lege.
Landau, Beiträge — Beiträge zum Chazarenproblem, Breslau, 1938.
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Lat. — Latin — ëàòèíñêèé. Leger — ñì. Chronicle.
L.V. — Long Version of the Reply of Joseph — äëèííàÿ âåðñèÿ îòâåòà Èîñèôà.
Mann, texts and Studies — Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature, vol. I, Cincinnati, 1931; vol. II, Philadelphia, 1935.
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Ma'sūdi; Ma'sūdi, Murūj — Murūj al-Dhahab, ed. Barbier de Meynard, Pavet de Courteille, Paris, 1861—1878.
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Mon. Germ. Scr. — Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores.
M.R.A. — Memoirs of the Russian Academy.
MS. — ìàíóñêðèïò. MSS. — ìàíóñêðèïòû.
M.T. — Massoretic Text.
Muqaddasi — ed. De Goeje, Bibl. Geog. Arab, III.
n. — note — ñíîñêà, ññûëêà.
n. d. — no data — íåò èíôîðìàöèè.
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Nicephorus — ed. Bonn.
Nöldeke, Beiträge — Beiträge zur Geschichte des Alexander-romans, Denkschriften der Wien, Akad., XXXVIII, 5.
ob. — obiit — óìåð.
Pelliot, Noms turcs — Paul Pelliot, «Quelques noms turcs d'hommes et de peuples finissant en "ar"?» Oeuvres posthumes de Paul Pelliot, II, Paris, 1950.
Platonov, Russie Chrétienne — S.F. Platonov, La Russie Chrétienne â: Avaignac, Histoire du Monde, t. VII, (Paris, 1931).
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Qāmūs — al Qāmūs al-Muḥīṭ of al-Fīrūzābādi, 4 vols., Cairo 1358/1935. Qazwīni — Cosmography, 2 vols., ed. Wüstenfeld, Göttingen, 1948.
Qudāmah — ed. De Goeje, Bibl. Geog. Arab., VI. Rashīd al-Dīn, ed. Blochet, Gibb Memorial Series.
R.E.J. — Revue des Études Juives.
Schultze — Das Martyrium des heiligen Abo von Tiflis, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, Neue Folge, XIII (1905).
s. — sub — íèæå.
ser. — series — ñåðèÿ.
Strack — Firkovictch und seine Entdeckungen, Leipzig, 1876.
S.V. — Short Version of the Reply of Josef — êîðîòêàÿ âåðñèÿ îòâåòà Èîñèôà.
s. v. — sub voce — ïîä ñëîâîì.
t. — tome — òîì.
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Theophanes — ed. Bonn.
Theophanes Con. — Theophanes Continuatus, ed. Bonn.
Vasiliev; Vasiliev, Goths — The Goths in the Crimea, Cambridge, Mass., 1936.
ver. — verso — îáîðîòíàÿ ñòîðîíà.
Vernadsky; Vernadsky, Anc. Russ. — Ancient Russia, Yale, 1943. vol. — volume — òîì, êíèãà.
Westberg, Beiträge — Stadt und Volk Saksin, Beiträge zur Klärung orientalischer Quellen über Osteuropa, Bulletin of the Russian Academy, 1899. Westberg, Ibrāhīm ibn-Ya'qūb — Ibrâhîm's-ibn-ja'kûb's Reisebericht über die Slawenlande aus dem Jahre 965, Memoirs of the Russian Academy, 1898.
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Zambaur — Manuel de Généalogue et de Chronologie, Hanover, 1927.
Z.D.M.G. — Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.
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Zotenberg — Ñronique de Tabari, Paris, 1867—1874.
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